Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sexual Calorie Counter

It has been for many years that sex is a good exercise, but until recently nobody had made a scientific study of the caloric expenditure of different sexual activities. Now after original and propriety research they are proud to present the results.

Removing her cloths:
With her consent ...........12 Calories
Without her consent ...........187 Calories

Opening her bra:
With both hand ...........8 Calories
With one hand ...........12 Calories
With your teeth ...........85 Calories

Putting on condom:
With an erection ...........6 Calories
Without an erection ...........315 Calories

Trying to find out clitoris ...........8 Calories
Trying to find The! G-spot ...........92 Calories

Missionary ...........12 Calories
69 laying down ...........78 Calories
69 standing up ...........112 Calories
Wheelbarrow ...........216 Calories
Doggy style ...........326 Calories
Italian Chandelier ...........912 Calories

Real ...........112 Calories
False ...........315 Calories

Post Orgasm:
Lying in bed hugging ...........18 Calories
Getting up immediately ...........36 Calories
Explaining why got out of the bed immediately ...........816 Calories

Getting second erection: If you are;
20-29 years old ...........36 Calories
30-39 years ...........80 Calories
40-49 years ...........124 Calories
50-59 years ...........972 Calories
60-69 years ...........2916 Calories
70 and over ...........Results are still pending

Dressing up afterwards:
Calmly ...........32 Calories
In a hurry ...........98 Calories
With her father knocking at the door ...........1218 Calories
With you wife/girlfriend knocking at the door ...........3512 Calories

Have a healthy sex!

(Original source: http://9gag.com/gag/87790/)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Black Pearl

Me being stupid person who got the time of life to understand adventure of life, has been through many studies, article and what not to get the information. Once I came across interesting article on ‘Cat String Theory’, term usually famous in PUAs. If you don’t know what PUA is then search for Pick up artists. Anyway, the theory says, “Dangle a string just out of reach of a cats paws and that cat will give chase doing everything in its power to get that string. But once the cat gets hold of the string, and solves the amazement then cat will leave the string”. What does it mean in simple way, person will be interested in you as long as you are mysterious and once that person gets to know everything then there is no or little interest left. May be that’s why people are always in search of new stuff often.

Again, this led me to the topic of why we are designed so? Life can be very simple if we wish too. But for sake of adventure we often miss the real gem in life. What matters most if our way of looking at the things. We are those cats and there are thousands of strings out there, waiting for us. Do we want to spend our lifetime to unlock the mysteries and be adventurous and once we unlock the mystery, we can rewrite it, the way we want? Like most of the things in our life there is no real limit for anything, but we are the one who have to define how much enough is enough.

Challenging our own beliefs and theories, challenging our own needs is what necessary to make everything adventurous in our small life. Some are privileged, some or not, but I know for sure that we have capabilities to be those privileged one, to find ‘Black Pearl’ in our life.