Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Heart vs Knwoledge

I remember, when I was kid and used to get in fight with my friends, a simple ‘sorry’ will resolve everything. Sometimes even there wasn’t necessity of sorry. Anger use to wash away with the next day shower and you are as happy to be back life before. Now we have grown up, this doesn’t work. Why? We called child’s heart as innocent one, so what makes we grown up as? Egoistic? May be. Whatever it may be but it is not good. Question remains, innocence of kid’s heart versus knowledge of grownups. Which is better it a million dollar question. If you ask this question to grownup then you will get various reasoning, answers. If you ask this question to kid, they will get confused because there is no such thing for them. Because for them questions are very simple as the answer.

Question? Why we lose our own innocence which was there, within us, within everyone? May be we think we are more smart, maybe we think we know more about the world that a kid, maybe we want to ignore it since grown up heart is more fragile than kid’s. I don’t know, but certainly I know that I am missing kid’s heart. Very much.

If you have got one then you are very fortunate, if you are looking for one then let me know once you get it.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have my kid´s heart still in many respects and I can´t wait to grow up more and let life mould me...but then again I also lost a big part of my kid´s heart at a young age and it can never be gained back. I think we have our own life in our hands...if we get disappointed in life it´s part of the never ending learning process as well as positive imprints. But the good thing is; we still have the reigns in our own hands to influence the direction our lives will take us...and it´s never too latee to change the direction :)
