Thursday, December 24, 2009


“Christan is the LOVE of my life. I cannot love more anyone else than him. But during this daily life, because of work and all stresses I tends to lose him often. During this kind of travel, we get a chance to get off from everything, and get a chance to rediscover each other. Finally, it’s like, Hey, I have seen you before”, lovely lady said with a smile. I met fantastic German couple during my travel. The old lady was sharing the experience of her lifetime with me. Her words were beautiful. It made me to listen and listen. After finishing the fantastic dinner with two lovely people, I went into the thought process. I was thinking about Romance and Love. The time couldn't be better as just recently I had a romance of my lifetime with someone very beautiful and elegant. It was for 10 days but will be there for a lifetime. We had to be apart because of geographical constraints. Romance was unexpected but was beautiful. I don’t recall enjoying such a time with any previous girls in my life (sorry for that girls).

I always say to girls that I cannot give any commitments, I cannot promise you anything, but yes, I can promise you only thing that you will have best time with me. And this time, it happened with me. I remember her saying , “Hemant, I don’t want you to fall for me because then you will start expecting more”. I think it’s true. I think key to best romance is to expect less and give more. In those 10 days, I practically had no expectations from her. I just enjoyed the time we had together. When you expect less, then you become very happy even if you get very little. I am NOT a love guru, but I can share what I’ve learnt from my all the experiences.

If you want to enjoy the time, just pour your heart out. Tell her the every single thing you think about her and expect nothing in return. Be expressive, observe every single minute detail on her face, feel it, feel it while she is taking, try reading her eyes and then you will enjoy the very single second with her. Girls usually say something else but her eyes will always speak the truth. Looking into her eyes is the best thing you can do while talking to her. Eyes are the way to reach girls heart. That’s why, whenever a girl cry for me, I like it. Only because then I know that I got a place in some part of her heart. Feel every touch, feel every kiss, feel smell her of body. Enjoying waiting for her. When you wait for her, it’s the best feeling you can have. Then you realise that what is currently missing in your life. Even a short wait can seems like ages, but after that long wait when you see her coming to you, ahh, that's one of best feeling you can get. You feel like you have come to life again. It’s like you are thirsty for the ages and you got water to drink. You feel like you are alive again.

Have a hope, but don’t have any expectations. Have a hope that you may get a chance to keep her for all your life, but don’t expect that. Having a hope will make you to do anything humanly possible, so that you can spend one more second with her. And even if it’s over, don’t be sad. Smile because it happened.
There is a big difference the way Girl and Boy think & act. That’s why I always say that girls are fools and boys are assholes. If a boy likes a girl, he will practically do anything and not think, but once he gets the girl, then he will start thinking “I’ve got the girl, now what to do?”. On other hand, with girls it’s exactly reverse. Girls takes their time, think a lot before choosing someone. But once she choose a guy, she will not think anything else. She will stop thinking and will be just with you, devoting to you. That's the best time when you can show that how much you care for her, make her feel that she is yours, express yourself to her. And the result, you will witness the best smile a girl can give, with her eyes.


  1. Hey hemant..!!! very nice article. i could relate some of it with my life too..

    Keep it up..

    -Mridula( venky's wife ;-))

  2. Hey Mridula,

    First, let me congratulate again. It's been awesome knowing you guys. And second, thanks for first comment and compliment. This is my things to do in 2010, to write my each and every thought.


    P.S. you need not to write venky's wife. I very well remember you. :) give my regards to venky..

  3. glad, u have experience of lifetime :) nice post. keep writing. im damn sure, one day u'll believe thr is somthing exist called as true love...
    cheers :)

  4. @ teju. thanks for the comments. You are always optimistic about me, aren't you. :)


  5. yahh im, cause i feel, u r too far from the greatest thing in this world :)
    cheers :)

  6. What an awesome post ....
    shared with few female collegues in office they all loved it!

    continue the awesomegiri !!!!

  7. its really good. you can generalize it to everything. Happiness is possible only when you do not expect. Work but do not expect results!

  8. Wow man! Congrats! you actually know what "TRUE LOVE" is (if u have not copied the thoughts in your post from somewhere else;)). Stop lying to yourself u wrote is so true, beautiful and sad at the same time...guys and gals can never understand each other and that's why they fail to appreciate and get "true love" in their life. True love is rare...Oops..look who is getting philosophical ;) hehehe..but a good post :)

  9. That is about as true as it can get.. i could experience it as i was reading .. good thinking dude !!!
